Email nblair@akteamsters.com
Phone (907) 283-4498
Fax (907) 283-8030
Location Kenai Teamsters Office
Norman Blair
Business Rep
Born in Korea and adopted to a great family in Kodiak, Norm is one of 26 children in the Blair family and has many great memories growing up on the island of Kodiak. He became a Teamster in 1990 with his first union involvement being with the blue ribbon committee. Years later, he was appointed one of three shop stewards to represent KSS employees. In January 2019 he became a trustee for the executive board and in October of the same year was offered the position of business representative and moved to Kenai.
Norm has 4 children, two fantastic daughters and two wonderful sons. He’s also a grandfather 3 times over and they are the joy of his life. He say he is married to the most fantastic person who supports me in any way she can.