Our Strength is
Your Future
Dues provide the resources to stand up for good jobs and benefits, decent working conditions and a better future for our families.
Dues provide the resources to stand up for good jobs and benefits, decent working conditions and a better future for our families. That is why union members in private industry earn 38% more on average than non-union workers. They also receive 54% more in benefits. None of this would be possible without the strength that comes from our Teamster dues.
If your employer deducts your dues, there is some protection for keeping your membership in good standing. Many employers have agreed to deduct monthly and supplemental dues for your convenience, however, failure of an employer to properly deduct dues owed does not negate you from the responsibility. Once you are notified of a problem with your dues it is your responsibility to contact the dues office to take care of any shortage or discrepancy in a timely manner.
When submitting a dues payment include your ledger number and remit:
- Pay your dues online.
- Call, mail or come in to Anchorage or Fairbanks.
- Pay with personal check, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, money orders, or cash.
- Sign up with “Bill Pay” with your bank to have your dues deducted from your account.
- Sign up for payroll deduction through your employer. Request a deduction authorization form from the Dues Office.
Life with Dues
Every member in good standing with Teamsters Local 959 is entitled to benefits under the Teamsters Life with Dues Benefit Plan, and the Local Union will pay any premiums that are due. Benefits will be paid to eligible persons under the terms of the Plan as administered by its trustees. To update your beneficiary information you may download the Life with Dues Beneficiary form and submit to:
Teamsters Local 959
Teamsters Local 959
Attn: Dues
520 E 34th Avenue, Suite 102
Anchorage, AK 99503
Life with Dues Benefit Plan Summary Plan Description information is available at the Union hall or by calling the Anchorage Dues Office at (907) 751-8521 or 800-478-0959 or the Fairbanks Dues Office at (907) 452-2959 for more information.
Office | Website |
Dues Teamsters Local 959 Attn: Dues | 959dues@akteamsters.com |