Our Strength is

Staying Connected

Your elected shop steward serves as a Union representative in your workplace. They serves as the first contact when an employee is faced with a work-related concern or issue.

What is a Shop Steward

The shop steward is the go-to union representative on the job site. He or she has a number of responsibilities from contract enforcement and assisting in grievance procedures, to keeping members informed and motivated about their union.

Shop Stewards can either be elected by the membership or appointed by the local. Usually you will have a designated steward for your area or shift so the number of stewards will vary based on the size of the bargaining unit.

Local 959 offers training for current and new shop stewards. Stewards will receive notification of training when it is scheduled.

How Can My Shop Steward Help Me?

Column 1Column 2
Contract QuestionsYour Shop Steward is familiar with your contract and can answer general questions.
New EmployeesYour Shop Steward can assist new employees in joining the union and are knowledgeable about the benefits of being a member.
GrievancesShop Stewards are familiar with the grievance procedure and can direct you through the proper steps.
ViolationsShop Stewards are available to help you identify violations of the contract and can assist you in referencing sections of the contract.
LiaisonShop Stewards can act as a liaison between employees and the union.
InformationYour Shop Steward understands problems and challenges facing your department/company and relay information to the union.
NegotiateYour Shop Steward participates in contract negotiations.
Stays CurrentShop Stewards attend union meetings and are kept current of union-wide updates and labor issues.