Job Opening

Job Added05/31/2022
Job TitleTechnical Assistant
Job LocationAnchorage
Wage & Benefits$26.04 & benefits
Job DetailsThis position is at the Anchorage Central Office. Job Requirements: Five (5) years customer facing experience in customer care, operator services or technical assistant; dependable, professional, detail oriented, a team player with good communication skills, typing test from the State of Alaska Unemployment office of 35 wpm, proficient with Microsoft Office, available to work in a 24 hr. x 7 days a week shop; be available for shift work, holidays & weekends; pass the company background check & drug testing. All candidates must be registered with the Union, have a current dues receipt, their typing test score and a resume on file in the Anchorage dispatch office that reflects the qualifications required by the Employer, to be referred for this position.